Thursday 7 July 2016

Delicious Homemade Japanese Food From The East

I love Japanese food. I love homemade food too. So when I come across a brand that combines the two things I love, it is like a wish come true. lolz.

It was a beautiful Saturday afternoon and my wife told me collect some japanese food that she ordered. I said, cool. Looks like we're going japan for the night.

My wife has a friend who gave a thumbs up on this homemade japanese food by the name of Inariku. Inari is a Japanese word that is used to describe 'carrying rice' and you can see this a lot on a typical japanese menu.

Ku is short form of the Malay word 'aku'. So Inariku literally means 'my inari' Nice huh?

Tuesday 21 June 2016

A Decent Yet Fulfilling Meal At The Chicken Rice Shop

In this post, I would like to share my makanperience at one of the most available restaurant in Singapore, The Chicken Rice Shop.

The first time I came across The Chicken Rice Shop was in Malaysia. My first time entering The Chicken Rice Shop in Singapore was at Vivocity more than 5 years ago. For the list of outlets, you can find it at the end of this post.
I went to the outlet at Causeway Point. There weren't that many people there so it was quite a good place for a family with 2 young girls and a pram.

Delicious Duck At Dapur Penyet

On every Eid, I always look forward to eat my aunt's lontong and rendang. Her rendang is no ordinary rendang. It's duck rendang.

I remembered the first time I had a taste of duck meat was more than ten years ago. I was passing this stall at Mackenzie and decided to give its duck rice a try. It was terrible.

A few years later, I tried another duck rice from another restaurant. It was not to my liking. After a series of disappointments, I concluded that maybe duck was not my thing. Maybe, it was just my taste buds way of saying no to duck meat.

And I also concluded that maybe the spices used in my aunt's duck rendang is more my kind of thing.

One fine afternoon, my wife and I went over to Centrepoint Metro as there was a sale there and my wife wanted to buy some 'high tech machine' for her baking. Centrepoint was under some major renovation at that time and the number of eateries was rather limited, especially the halal eateries.

There were 2 restaurants opened for business on that day. One was Desa Kartika and the other was Dapur Penyet.

I've tried Desa Kartika and you will get to read about it on a different post. At that time, I think there was a wedding reservation at Desa Kartika and so we decided to try the other restaurant, Dapur Penyet.