Sunday 26 April 2015

Welcome To The Makan Maniac

hey, hey, hey there everyone!

Welcome to The Makan Maniac where you will get some reviews of the well known as well as underground cuisines from different parts of the world.

The word 'Makan' in the title simply means 'eat'. So this is a blog that shares my experiences of my own dining experience. For those who knows me, you will know why I use the word Maniac. I am a maniac especially when it comes to food. No, I'm not a glutton. I'm just someone who wants to enjoy one of the simple things in life; eat.

How to use this website?
You can choose to read the posts or you can simply click the tabs on the right hand side of this blog. So if you're in the east and you want to look for some good options to eat, just click on 'East' tab on the right and you will be led to some eating venues located in the east. 

So feel free to search and browse. If you do have any queries or suggested collaborations, feel free to leave me a comment.

Last but not least, May The Food Be With You!

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