Monday 7 September 2020

Deanna's Kitchen Revisited

 It has been a while since I last patronized Deanna's Kitchen. On my last visit, I had Prawn Noodles. I remembered that very moment when they asked me for the size of prawn that I would like. You can read more details in this post here.

Recently, my wife and I were cracking our heads on what to get for our daughter's birthday lunch. 

We had chicken a few days ago, so chicken was out.

We had Indian Rojak and Briyani that week, so Indian food was out.

My wife cooked Kambing Masak Hitam or Mutton in Black Stew quite recently, so anything with mutton was out. 

Then my wife mention seafood. She was toying with the idea of having seafood lunch. Then Deanna's Kitchen came to my mind. I suggested to her and she googled while I continued my drive. 

Shortly after, she agreed. So off we went...

They are still located at the same venue, so it was an easy find. Just that with social distancing measures somewhat in place, seats are more limited that usual.

My wife bought 2 sets of seafood platters.(for 5 adults, 5 kids) to go. 

When we got home, we immediately unpacked and prepare for our daughter's birthday feast.

packed in a large plastic container are 1 lobster, 2 crayfish

when we removed the lobster and crayfish, there's more seafood with noodles and kang kong at the bottom.

We bought 2 sets of seafood platters to go. At the first taste after we've reheated just the soup, we thought it was rather bland. A far cry from what I had experienced years ago. Then I suggested to my wife to include the seafood during the reheat. So she put in lobster, crayfish, prawns, etc.. everything we got from that plastic container, into the soup and reheat. 
We didn't include the seafood during the first reheat because we were worried the texture might be too soft. 
The taste was so much better, so much richer. Much closer to what I had experienced previously. 

There are some changes in the location of outlets. I took a print screen of their outlets from their website here. Just click on the picture below to get to their website.

I would strongly recommend you go to their website and facebook page to get the latest updates and promotions.